The month of August will be the second month of a capacity focus with a bias towards SPRINT workouts. Higher intensity WODs will continue to test our anaerobic capacity, but there will be a wide range of different time domains as well. The Olympic lifting cycle will continue by building on percentages, and then eventually retesting our one rep snatch and clean and jerk. There will also be a retest of performances in Grace and Isabel or Randy.
Gymnastics will also be a main focal point in August. As the gymnastics cycle continues throughout the month, we will see a shift towards accumulating volume with a movement, while adding in both complementary and interfering movements. Interfering movements combine a pull with a pull or push with a push.
Prowess’ Summer Hero WOD series will continue to be programmed on Saturday’s at 7:30 am. This month’s workouts will be Whitten, Holleyman, Bull and Badger. Just like in July, we will raise funds for some great charities that honor the sacrifice these heroes made.