The short answer is “everyone.”
Here’s why:
We believe that exercise is a celebration of what your body can do, not a punishment for what you ate. We believe that you have to find something you love—and celebrate success—before you’ll ever be motivated to work out or eat properly. We believe in coach-led classes. We believe in progress over perfection.
And we believe in making sure you’re here again tomorrow.
We don’t believe in cliques. We will never judge you for your fitness level. And we will never give up on you.
At Prowess, the “we’re-better-than-everyone” mindset doesn’t fly. We may never be winning CrossFit competitions, but we’ll always be the best because of the people under our roof.
If you want to get fit, have fun, and be part of an awesome community, come in and talk to us.
Inspiration provided by Chris Cooper at